What a day. Got my porch painted, well at least one coat. Now it is supposed to rain. So that project will be on hold. Went to Kroegers Greenhouse and purchased a new water lily for the pond by the lamp post. I purchased one about 3 years earlier and it has gone crazy in the back yard pond. Kind of expensive, but worth it not to have to pot it up or anything. Just bring it home and plop it in the pond.
Next stop, Pet Food Center. I bought several "feeder" gold fish. That is all I ever buy for my ponds, works out pretty good. They are about seventeen cents apiece, and I got this cute little white guy with a black mask across his face. Hope he lives. Of course, the water is so cloudy, it will probably be a while before I see him. Moved some snails from the back pond to the front. They have multiplied. Little buggers. But boy do they love the algae. Between the snails and plants, I finally have it figured out. Well, at least I have clear water. Also found a Lantana for the back yard. As you can tell from the picture above, this is Dixie's favorite flower. Still have lots of flowers to buy and plant. Oh yeah,