Thursday, September 23, 2010

A Little Something I Whipped Up

Sorry the pictures aren't that great, can't quite figure this photography thing out yet. This is my latest Halloween project.
The old black globe came from a church basement sale last year for $1.00. It wasn't on a base, but it did have this metal rod going through the center. I had no idea what I was going to do with it when I purchased it, but it was just too cool to pass up. In the back of my mind I remembered seeing this metal witch silhouette in the attic of the shop where we display Halloween. My boss was generous enough to give it to me since it didn't have the stake. Next I made a little banner that says "Witch Way Dearie?" Used my ink pads to grunge it up a bit. Voila! Don't you love it? I know I do!!!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

New Job

Evansville Vanderburgh Public Library, my newest employer. I have been looking for a second part time job for a little bit now. My friend Teresa over at Plumwater Cottage has been keeping me updated as to when positions open up at the library. I put my application in several times and it finally paid off. I am an official bookshelver. Shelver of DVD's, CD's, Audio Books and New Release Fiction and Non-Fiction. I must say, I love this job! Show up at my specified time, do my assigned duties, and go home. Nothing like my day job where everything is a crazy, unorganized mess. The library is the place where everything has a specific place. Nice neat rows of books and movies. Aaaah! It still amazes me as to how many books there are in a library. The knowledge that is there is uncomprehendable. Perhaps I will absorb some of this knowledge by just touching the books!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

A Couple of Projects FINISHED!

Why does it seem that I have trouble finishing projects? You know, you get something almost done and put it down. Does this sound familiar to anyone? So before you know it, you are in a hurry to clean up your space and you put it in the back of your closet, or other out of the way space.

Here is my Halloween purse. I first posted about here. Crazy, I know. All I had to do was put the button on and hand sew up the lining. While we were on our weekly trip to Michaels and Joann's, I decided I was going to finish it this year and use it!
Found this really cool button made out of horn. Kind of hard to see in the picture.
Something else that has been bothering me forever, this ugly piece of plywood under my cabinets in the kitchen. So, I found some scrapbook paper that looks like crackled paint. Put double stick tape on the back to put it up. Cost was .75 cents. So when I get tired of it, I can just change it again.

These B-O-O letters have been a project in the works for a while too. Painted them black and used scrapbook paper on them too.

Is anyone else out there a procrastinator?

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Weight Loss This Week

I have been kind of slacking on posting my weight loss. So, on that note, as of today I am 60 pounds lighter!