Monday, October 26, 2009


Oh my goodness! I can't believe it has been so long since I posted. Well my Sadie has gone backwards. We had to have the infection removed and stitched up. Thought that took care of it, but at Thursday's bandage change, the stitches had pulled out. So we were referred to Metropolitan Vet Specialists in Louisville. Sadie has been there before. She goes there for her heart issues.

After begging, I got an appointment on Friday. First, we had to check the heart. But I was totally expecting her to lose the toe. After tests on the heart, she couldn't tolerate being under anesthesia for very long. Plan B. They went in and cleaned out the wound and stitched it up again. But this time, a splint was placed on the leg, so the toes can't move. I am very thankful she didn't lose the toe. Her heart, however, isn't as good as it was in January. We are waiting on bloodwork to check her digoxin levels and see about changing her meds. Meanwhile, I am at the vet everyday again for bandage changes. A couple of weeks ago, they offered me a uniform. I may have to take them up on it!
On a personal note. I decided last week to join Weight Watchers. I have been thinking about it for a while now. My mood has been kind of foul these days, so I thought maybe if I lost some weight, I might feel better about things. I am debating about doing a follow along with my weight loss. I just don't know how I feel about putting my weight out there. I have done well this week as far as writing down what I eat and being truthful about it. Hope it pays off. Weigh in is Wednesday.


  1. Hope the pup is better soon and that your weight watching goes well, too. :-)

  2. She looks so sad with her leg bandaged up like that. But I bet she is a good patient!
    Good luck on your weight watchers endevour...why does losing have to be less fun than putting it on?
    Have a great week!

  3. keeping you and sadie in my thoughts.
    let her know the bandage looks so stylish. :)
    good luck on weight watchers. i need to do something too...... been in a slump and keep reaching for the donuts.

  4. I hope your sweet puppy starts feeling better soon and that the stint works..Best of luck in losing is hard..but once you see the weight coming off it gets easier..;)

  5. Hope Sadie is bettter soon! I just hate it when the pets (we have 3 dogs) are sick.

    Weight problems never seem to go away! Hate those things too. LOL

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Sorry to see that Sadie doesn't have a smile on her face -- although the pink cast suits her :)

    Just wanted to let everyone know -- from one Greyhound fan to another -- about a coffee company that directly supports The Mobile Greyhound Adoption Center. They make 4 different "dog friendly blends" and donate $1 per pound that they sell to the adoption center. Soooo, if any of you are coffee drinkers (or know some)and want to lend a helping hand to homeless Greyhounds --- check us it out!

    Hope Sadie feels better soon! :)
