Friday, March 6, 2009

A Cute Bookmark

I got several things done today, but as usual, I forgot to take pictures. I did take a picture of this cute little bookmark that I made for my daughter. It has a "Parisian" theme. She loves anything with the Eifel Tower right now. We are making over her bathroom with a Paris theme.

I used a piece of ribbon about 12 inches long. I also found these cute theme packages of charms by Blue Moon at Michaels. On the ends of the ribbon I used ribbon clamps, also purchased at Michaels. There are different sizes of ribbon clamps to fit different widths of ribbon. My second bookmark will be made with the charms that are a sewing theme for my oldest daughter. Darn it, I forgot about myself!

1 comment:

  1. This is very neat! Don't forget YOU! You deserve one of these cool bookmarks, too!


    Sheila :-)
