Thursday, August 14, 2008


Well, it is almost Friday. I left the shop a little early today. The boss went out to lunch for several hours, so by the time she got back, not much was going to be accomplished. So I pleladed with her to let me leave early. It worked. Now for the weekend! Funeral arrangements are for tomorrow evening and Saturday morning. But hopefully before and after that I will be up to something good.

I want to paint a pumpkin. We have been in the workshop this week at work finishing up projects and we have been painting. I almost forgot that at one time I considered myself a pretty decent decorative painter. This pumpkin will be a donation for our Greyhound Pets of America Picnic in October. Since silhouettes are all the rage right now, I am going to do a band of black silhouettes around the pumpkin and incorporate a greyhound or two into the mix.

I have been pieceing my "cheater" halloween quilt. Well, I can hardly call it piecing. All I am doing is putting a wide band around the outside and then quilt it. I tried several attempts at machine quilting, but I found that I could hand quilt it just as fast. Nothing fancy, just straight stitches.

I am going to get to work on painting some of my pieces, such as trash can and corner cabinet and table black in the kitchen.

I really want to start decorating for fall. I just think it might be a little early. But working in a primitive gift shop, the fall and halloween are just pouring in and it is hard not to want to decorate. We'll see if I can wait. I did bring home a really sweet doll today. I couldn't resist her.

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